Christmas 2022
The surgery will be closed on:
  • 26th/27th December 2022
  • 2nd January 2023
The team at Harpers
Covid-19 Update
The practice is now open for as many face-to-face appointments as restrictions allow All appointments are pre-arranged by phone and we are prioritising patients in dental pain or under treatment when the crisis began If your appointment is routine or you are in a vulnerable or shielded group, we would ask for your patience a little longer please As the national situation improves, our restrictions will be lifted and we will return to seeing more patients each day

If you have any concerns, please contact us - we are happy to talk!
We would like to thank all our patients for your continued support, as we navigate these unprecedented times
The team at Harpers



If you normally pay for NHS dental treatment, there will be three standard charges.
The amount you pay will depend on the treatment you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
You will pay one of the three charges below:

£23.80 (Band 1)

This charge will include an examination, diagnosis and preventive care. If necessary, this will include X-rays, scale and polish, and planning for further treatment. Urgent and out-of-hours care will also cost £21.60.


£65.20 (Band 2)

This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the £21.60 charge PLUS additional treatment such as fillings, root canal treatment or extractions.


£282.80 (Band 3)

This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the £21.60 and £59.10 charges PLUS more complex procedures such as crowns, dentures or bridges. Dentures
Repairs to dentures are free of charge.

These are the only dental charges your dentist should ask you to pay when you are having NHS treatment.

You will only have to pay one charge for each course of treatment - even if you need to visit your dentist more than once to finish it.

If you need more treatment within the same or lower charge band, for example an additional filling, within two months of completing a course of treatment, you do not have to pay anything extra.

Before you receive either Band 2 or Band 3 care, your dentist should give you a personal dental treatment plan with full details of what your dentist is going to do and how much it will cost.

There is no charge for having stitches removed.

Children under 18, and many adults, do not have to pay NHS charges. To find out about free NHS Dental treatment, see for HC11, Help with health costs, available at your local Jobcentre Plus office or from the Department of Health website:

Your NHS Dentist should provide all the care and treatment needed to maintain your dental health. To find out more about what you can expect, you can:

  • ask your dentist for a copy of NHS Dentistry in England: Information for patients
  • ask to see your dentist's practice leaflet
  • contact your primary care trust (PCT), or see their website
  • visit the NHS choices website at or call NHS Direct on 0845 4647
  • go to the dentistry pages on the Department of Health website:
You will continue to receive free services from your NHS dentist if:

When the treatment starts you are:
  • aged under 18
  • aged 18 and in full-time education
  • pregnant, or have had a baby, in the 12 months before treatment starts
  • an NHS inpatient and the treatment is carried out by the hospital dentist
  • an NHS Hospital Dental Service outpatient*
  • a Community Dental Service patient*

Or, when the treatment starts or when the charge is made:
  • you are getting, or your partner gets Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or Pension Credit Guarantee Credit.
  • you are entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • you are named on a valid HC2 certificate.
Your dentist will ask for evidence that you are entitled to free NHS dental treatment.
If you are named on a valid HC3 certificate, you may be eligible for partial help with dental costs.